Doak Beasley

Headline: Bad Man From Colorado Has Been Sent to Prison

Doak Beasley, who was determined to have money even if he died in the attempt, was tried in the Police Court this morning on a charge of disturbing the peace, and was ordered to serve thirty days in the County Jail. Mr. Beasley, while he is a decent appearing fellow, gets rather "rambunctious" when under the influence of liquor. He was just out of jail Thursday and was arrested that night. He had appeared at Phillips' salon at First and B street and said he was "broke" and might as well be dead as broke; that he intended to have money before morning at any cost. He sized up the saloon very carefully and appeared to have a large stone in his pocket to be used as a weapon. The bartender, H. T. Coats, became alarmed and kept a six-shooter handy in case there should be an attempt at robbing him. Officer McCoy says the fellow served two years of a thirty months' sentence in the State Prison in Colorado for killing a man and violated the parole on which he was released. He is also said to have served eighteen months at the Government prison on Alcatraz Island. [October 14, 1905]